Jungle Trivia Posters for Answers VBS, 2023
These two posters are apart of the decorations for next year's Answers in Genesis VBS, titled The Great Jungle Journey. The goal for this project was to highlight different animal/plant facts and I was given the creative freedom to do that however I saw fit. In this case, I decided to illustrate a subject attached to each fact and create a jungle-like scene reflecting the theme of the VBS. 
LIGHT. 2023
Digital press poster printed on a sheet of black paper. This project combines the use of illustration with typography using lyrics from one of my personal favorite songs, Light by San Holo.
Contentment, 2021
The objective for this poster was to send a message through the combination of imagery and typography. In this case, the message being sent is that true contentment is found in Christ alone. This is evident in the way the words in the top left are entering the mind of the individual pictured.
Modern Rendition of the Declaration of Independence, 2021
My goal for this project was to turn the historical Declaration of Independence into a modern form. I took a bold, typographic approach reflecting the boldness of the content within the document. 
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